Akureyri is our beautiful home town and base. Most of our group tours depart from Akureyri. It is known as the ´Capital of the North´and is the largest town outside of the more densily populated South of Iceland. It is rich in culture, history and architecture and displays the charm and culture of Iceland with it´s colourfully painted wooden houses, cosy local shops, cafes, restaurants and bars all withing walking distance of each other.
It has a strong artistic culture and even our red traffic lights have heart shaped lights, a project started by local artists. Akureyri sits on and overlooks the longest fjord in Iceland, Eyjafjöður. Famous for Whale watching, small whales and dolphins are known to swim up to town limits. The town is growing and now has a population of around 20,000 people. Akureyri is home to an international airport, hospital and University.
The Akureyri Church, Ákureyrarkirkja´ is a 1940s architectural masterpiece desinged by Gudjon Smauelsson, the same artichect that desinged Hallgrímskirjka , the famous catherdral in Reykjavik. Other highlights of the town are the old town where many beautiful and traditional colourfully paintedwooden houses dating back to the 1800s are, the Botanical gardens, the Art museum, the ski resort, the vast Geotheramal outdoor swimming pool complex and the luxurious forest lagoon overlooking the Fjord.